How to engage with your audience using Twitter

If your twitter account is not growing it's time to take action

When designing a social media strategy for your communication platform, website or blog, using Twitter is a must. One common mistake is to publish the same content in all your social media channels and, here is when the problem begins: your twitter account doesn't grow and your users do not interact as much as you would like.

Many communication experts engage really well with Facebook but find Twitter a more complex tool when publishing. Maybe is the limitation with the characters or how the information its presented, but we can find lots of media Twitter accounts abandoned or, in some cases, without any new post in days.

To help you on that, we have developed a list of must to do when using a Twitter account for your communication site:

1. Twitter is not Facebook and viceversa: Present your information for each network taking into consideration their different particularities. Facebook prioritises content in a headline+text=photo/video form. Twitter focus more on catching your attention with 280 characters and sometimes photo but in most of the cases you need to click to find out more. 


2. Use hashtags in your post. Getting viral is not an easy task but if you use popular hashtags in your tweets you can generate clicks and create attention. This is the case of the #MeToo hashtag popularice by the media to fight against sexual abuse. Another example from the Financial Times and the popular #Brexit

3. Be different: Creating content is a creative task so try to post information that is fresh and interesting. The news of the day has been told by many other resources so be unique. Why not to use your Twitter profile for posting your best histories? Below you can see a good example from the Washington post or The Guardian

4. Engage with your readers retwittering their post: Sometimes your readers/collaborators can provide useful information or other different resources such a interesting video or photo. retwittering them is a new way to engage with your audience and showing that your social media is not just a one way communication tool. Bellow and example from one of the El Pais collaborators.


So, now that you know how, what are you waiting for? Follow our steps and see results! And, remeber, If you like to report in your blog, or you simply have a site with information and you have something to say, with Opennemas you can create your own digital site completely free of charge thanks to everything that our content management system offers you. Do you want to know how? Click here, and we'll tell you how.