Opennemas top 5 most read articles in February 2016

Check out our classification of the most read articles in February!



On 1st position we find Pronto Argentina with "Loly mostró la foto con los anillos y Jorge Rial respondió tajante", 404k pageviews*, published on the 25th of February.

Extract: When asked about a picture that Loly Antoniale shared on Instagram (in which she shows the very expensive rings that he offered her as gifts when they were together), the presenter provided a kind but drastic answer.

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The 2nd most read belongs to Hora Sur, "La puerta del ascensor se abre y se puede percibir el olor a muerte", 185k pageviews*, published on the 12th of February.

Extract: A terrible letter from a user of the hospital Punta Europa causes a revolution on social networks.

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The 3rd spot instead is taken by Nueva Tribuna with "La reina ninfómana, Isabel II de España", 180k pageviews*, published on the 23rd of November 2014, taken from the cultural archive of the newspaper this article seems to gain a huge attention still.

Extract: "The life of Isabel II is based on a continuous party. She goes to sleep at five o'clock in the morning and get up at three in the afternoon. This way of life raised strong criticism in the Spanish society."

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On 4th position we find Estrella Digital with "Carlos Herrera planea pedir asilo en Somalia si gobiernan Sánchez e Iglesias", 50k pageviews*, published on the 2nd of February.

Extract: The COPE journalist considers that the Country 'at least has good beaches'.

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And the 5th top read article of February 2016 belongs to Gomera Actualidad with another article from the past, "Las niñas de Alcàsser colocarían al Estado entre la espada y la pared", 46k pageviews*, published on the 22nd of August 2013.

Extract: The continuing spiral of distractions and intrigue that surrounds the disappearance of Seville child Marta del Castillo has directed the look of the Spaniards back in time repairing in the large number of similar cases occurred in recent decades.

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*Data Source: Opennemas Customer Network Analytics.

Opennemas has a network of over 6000 digital newspapers around the world.

This classification has been done choosing the most read article per newspaper between the 1st and 29th of February 2016.