Why it is useful to create a Telegram channel for your digital media

If the content is the king, the broadcast channels are its queen. And in that area dive now the media to know what social network should they use to get closer to their readers.

If the content is the king, the broadcast channels are its queen. And in that area dive now the media to know what social network should they use to get closer to their readers. And there we must be selective. Often, it is thought that just having a presence in networks such as Instagram or Twitter is enough to reach the audience, but... Do our profiles answer to the target? Or are we just there for pure trend?

First of all, the most important thing is to know what benefits will give us a tool. We talked about it a few weeks ago: it's easy to think that with WhatsApp you will get directly to the mobile of your audience, and that you will find a vein to gain visitors, but it is advisable to define (and warn in advance) what the service will consist of: How much alerts will issue our newspaper? Will the user data be respected? And in addition, group chats are limited to 256 people.

A week ago, in the Opennemas team we decided to launch a public Telegram channel to explore the possibilities it offers to disseminate our weekly articles. And we have enjoyed the experience, so we have chosen to keep it with three alerts per week! Why? We tell you:

Join our Telegram channel! Come with us. We will only ask for your attention three times per week!

1. Telegram allows the creation of public channels: Go in and out whenever you want. That sense of absolute freedom to circulate through this Russian instant messaging network can convince your target that you will not invade your space or bombard you with spam every day. Be careful with the news you send them and, above all, stick to the initial premises: if the offer is to send 'X' daily alerts and breaking news, do it. Be your best ally taking care of the reader. 

2. The advantages of anonymity: Only the administrator of the group will know who has joined the group, which reinforces that reader's privacy. Everyone can be aware of the total members of the same, but only that data. Unlike WhatsApp groups, where anyone could invade another user's space in a private chat, the public community on Telegram is open and closed. You will be living with other readers without them being able to interact with you in an unwanted way.

3. The experience of several media in Spain invites to optimism: Do not expect a channel of diffusion of million of users, but maybe of faithful readers. Among those who have decided to bet on Telegram as an alternative way to release their daily news we can find national media such as eldiario.es or El Español -with more than 16,000 and 1,000 members, respectively-, and others locally as Ceuta Actualidad, in which they have already begun to take their first steps beyond the website.

By the way, Opennemas also carry out media consulting tasks to advise on how to improve your presence in social networks. If you are working in a digital newspaper and you are interested in knowing how to do it, contact us! And if you are interested in reading our articles, you can subscribe to our Telegram channel. You got it here.

And remember...